Thank you for your patience as we get Cardinal Link fully up and running. I wanted to let you know, as of today, the campus online event ticketing system is up and running.
I do expect some hiccups and a learning curve - but event ticketing is operational!
A special thank you to Information Technology Services (ITS) and to Student Financial Services who really helped navigate this unique, challenging situation. We truly could not have done this without the incredible wherewithal from both areas. And another special thank you to the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) team that bent over backwards to make this possible.
Student Groups
Student Groups will be able to use the ticketing system for the Spring Semester. This is online for all events and fundraisers (all additional forms have been built into the application process). Event's Calendar :
Student Group Advisors, please reach out to your groups (even just to check in). They all could use an additional follow up. This includes clubs, organizations, fraternities, sororities and sports clubs.
If you have not already, please check into Cardinal Link (; make sure your profile is updated and you can start attending student events.